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Effective ministry looks first to Jesus

There are multiple ministries at New Gresham United Methodist Church. Your talents and skills are needed to continually build Gods Kingdom. Please feel free to browse through our ministries and get connected!

We have Senior and Adult Bible Groups to meet your needs.  

Our Children's Ministry provides a safe, nuturing environment for children to grow, as they become productive Christians.

Our Youth Ministry helps to prepare our teens for ministry with their peers and within the church.

The Outreach Ministry serves God by "Reaching Out" to the sick and shut in. We do this by making visits, sending cards, and serving the Holy Sacraments, and in some instances, provide them with food.

Through prayer, we let God know what we need. More importantly, it serves as a way to hear the voice of God in our lives.

Our pantry distributes food to those who have difficulty purchasing enough food, to avoid hunger.

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